Well, it has certainly been a hectic week!
I have been reprising my doll pattern mail order business over the last two weeks. I will be presenting my first show of this encore phase by presenting my patterns, some custom made doll jewelry (hand crafted by yours truly!), and have just mailed my first pattern order.
In this picture I am selecting two dolls for the next pattern I am releasing, the third in a series of the wives of King Henry VIII of England. I have truly been working some very long hours trying to get the patterns ready (I have over 50 different patterns now).
As you can see, I have lost possession of my dining table, etc., while I am getting things done. I envy my 'craft' room that I lost when moving to my 'retirement' home. (I also have straggling table,etc).
Of course, you can see that I am not alone while trying to get everything ready. My treasured "Jacque de leon" is helping me in his inimitable style.

Chores and activities seem to cluster at this time of year; it is also time for our annual home owners association nominations and elections. I am one of the members of the nominating committee and am in attendance of this casual meeting (naturally, we have our snacks,etc. This picture shows the chairwoman reading off the procedure we will be following in distributing, and processing of the ballots and announcing the new board of directors.
Although L. was caught unawares, and it is not the most flattering pose, aren't the green and wine colors of her outfit wonderful?
This picture was taken a bit later during the week when the membership met with the candidates who presented their personal credentials and
desires for his or her candidacy. (I caught this picture during the break-you can see in the picture that we take our election seriously) No, although invited, I did not choose to run for the Board at this time. I am simply too busy "Rocking My Age!"