Mature Fashion: Elections, etc.
As I mentioned in my last post, I have been keeping myself very busy these days. In addition to spending a lot of time re-vitalizing my part time mail order business that I have had since 1994, LordPerryPatterns. (hibernating for several years for various priorities), All of these activities really demonstrate that senior women can (and do) have rewarding lives well into their golden years, providing they feel good about themselves. In this first picture we had a breakfast at the clubhouse to view changing of the new flag posted in front of the clubhouse and honor Veterans Day.
Our nominating committee for our local HOA was also responsible for ballot counting, verification, etc. was also held the night of the national elections, Nov 8th. Here we are verifying the ballots just before the tally.

We also held the community boutique whose proceeds were jointly distributed between the scrapbook classes, jewelry class, and Hacienda Helping Hands, an outreach program for our senior citizens and at-risk one parent families. You can just see my Lord Perry Pattern station in the background. Vicki has a beautiful jewelry display in the center front.
As you can see, we had many wonderful items for sale. (You can see my Lord Perry sign in the background of the upper left hand corner).
Heidi makes the most wonderful cards (one of the activities taught in the scrapbook classes-one I want to learn how to do when my schedule permits.) Naturally, I bought a few Thanksgiving and Christmas cards. BTW, doesn't her scarf look wonderful with her ombre hair?
Sandra is making sure that her booth is kept as tidy as possible. The wonderful needlework included embroidered towels, knitted scarves, and lots of home designed quilts. Sorry, I was unable to get a better picture of the auctioned quilt for that booths fundraiser,but you can see it in the background of the picture below.
My good friend Sally was literally up almost all night baking, but it was really worth it; she is renowned in the neighborhood for her baking skills. This fundraiser is now an annual event. This year was the third consecutive year and each year it is growing. We now have to limit the number of tables available for crafts because we are almost out of room!
I would have liked to make more pictures but I did have to tend to my own booth.......
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