It is always fun to work on Halloween (actually, almost any day that precedes a celebration); people usually have fun.
Because my job is in sales, I always have to be conscious of the impression I might make on a customer, so I really have to avoid wearing costumes that might offend people, or that might jeopardize a sale. (My I & O Psychology kicking in again!). It is true that what impression I make on a customer is bound to affect the outcome of a possible purchase transaction. It will create either positive or negative opportunity. Hence, you see a conservative costume that is not likely to offend many, but immediately gives the customer and co-workers a "let's have fun" attitude.
In conversation today regarding the importance of cosmetics and hair care in fashion styling, a significant point was raised by my co-worker. She mentioned how important is was to keep the basic foundation simple enough that we would (an could) follow it!. Although I have posted the few basic routines I follow myself, I thought important to stress again how important it is to never go to bed without thoroughly cleansing your face, and to maintain your haircut. I might add the basic cosmetic routine I perform EVERY morning upon awakening, before breakfast, before getting dressed, etc. I rinse and moisturize my face, comb my hair, apply basic eyebrow pencil, add a touch of mascara, brush my teeth, and add lip color. If I do these things the very first activities of the morning, I am certain to be presentable in any situation. Anyone can perform their own routine that covers those basics in under ten minutes. Small steps, but vital to a sense of personal order and control of the stylish woman.
I hope your Halloween is/was fun; if you are in California, remember to set your clock back an hour! It is now time to plan our styling for the busy, and sometimes dressy holiday season............Happy Styling...........Geneva
When reading your latest post I noticed you had not mentioned the importance of using sunscreen every day. Was that an oversight?
ReplyDeleteNo, but I probably should have elaborated; I did not put sunscreen in the basic first thing in the morning grooming because (1) I was keeping the routine as simple as possible upon arising. That basic step is only to serve until one gets rid of the first thing in the morning chores; making breakfast, making the bed, feeding animals, or whatever any person has to do before they get dressed for the day's planned (or unplanned) activities. The only application of anything is moisturizers, lip color, a touch of mascara, and brow pencil. These are minimum preparations that will allow any woman interface with anyone until they are prepared (styled) for the day. The application of sunscreen could be a part of that routine if the woman prefers. I prefer to add sunscreen before I apply cosmetics; I know I am not going to apply any more later in the day and I want it to be effective when I do leave the house. Almost all sunscreens advise re-application after 120 minutes (2 hours). Very few, if any, women remove their make-up to apply more sunscreen.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your observation; you may want to read the post on Rockmyrole.blogspot.com for additional information.