Hello Stylinistas;
I haven't had much time for input of fashion tips this week; as I mentioned in an earlier posting, I am on babysitting duty most of this week. In yesterday's post I mentioned the 'wardrobe' selections I made for that role; As you will see from today's photos, I had to use an alternate based on the needs of a very active little boy! Now to dress Jace...

I was ready to go instantly because I had already put on my minimum cosmetics before I got dressed. (Every day when I rinse my face, I apply moisturizer, sunscreen, eyebrow pencil, and a 24 hour variety lip color.) This routine, along with running a comb through my hair, assures me I can face any unexpected occurrence without feeling under-dressed. (Experience has taught me that this little precaution pays off. I swear, almost every time I do not do this, I have an unexpected visit to my door before I am fit to be seen!!)
Jace and I have one more day together before his mother comes home. I actually can get one more days wear out of this shirt (we have to plan our laundry carefully here...we are in a serious drought), and thankfully, I have one more pair of printed pants that will be appropriate; those red and black snakeskin narrow jeans will work beautifully with all the same accessories which will save valuable time. Happy styling.......Geneva
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