Today's post is just a reflection and re-evaluation of how our life does change over the decades and how we have to make changes to accommodate those changes we may not like.
I look at the changes I have experienced over the last decade and ponder what in my life has degraded and what is actually an improved state.
Ten years ago I was maintaining the role of a full time home school teacher and caregiver to a pre-teen grandchild with severe emotional difficulties accompanied by some physical and cognitive challenges. During the previous 10 years I had let myself "go" as the role was then expanded to full time caregiver to two children. I developed type II diabetes, primarily due to poor diet and resulting weight gain, lack of sleep and exercise, and severe stress (one grandchild almost died due to an uncommon blood disease). I was able to lose a lot of the weight and maintain a more healthy diet and exercise program during the following several years. However, my entire focus was on caring for the children, seeing to the younger's educational needs, and dealing with the doctors and tutors, and running them from place to place, a very time consuming effort as one of the children went to school in another town.
It was only five years ago that I took a good look in the mirror and discovered that the fashion conscious career woman who I still saw in the mirror had changed and looking back at me was an aged "frump" whose entire wardrobe consisted of coordinating cotton shirts, colored and denim jeans, and comfortable loafers and tennis shoes. Unfortunately, I had a serious injury that resulted in brain surgery with a lengthy recovery period so I couldn't bounce back quite as quickly as I liked. I also struggled with the sale of a home I had lived in for over twenty years all during this same time and, really had not much time for shopping. I did get rid of a lot of clothes (not really well thought out at that time).
Fortunately, I had lost a little more weight due to the aftermath of surgery, so I really had to buy a few new clothes, mostly pants and skirts. This is when I really dug back into the years of fashion study, etc. and decided that since I now lived alone and was responsible for and only to me, I would make the best of my remaining years. First, I had to take a serious look at rebuilding a wardrobe from the ground up. I only had old career clothes and frump garments. Unfortunately, many of the fashionable friends who I had years of social intercourse had moved away for retirement or passed away.
I took a part time job during this time and used most of the money for shopping and the travel I should have done in earlier years, and "fixed up" my own place in a rural community just south of the Bay Area where I live today. I also resurrected my life long fashion interest and fascination with the effects ones appearance makes in business and social intercourse. I was especially struck by the fact that during the time I had let my appearance decline, I also felt rather terrible about myself much of the time; when I got myself back together and started to care about my appearance, I also began to perk up in general. One harsh reminder of how much what I wore mattered is a treasured picture I have of me during this time taken in Paris. I am wearing a sweater much too large for me, somewhat bagging knee length capris, and open toed flats, all of which make me look twenty pounds heavier, have absolutely no style although classic black and white, and generally do nothing for me at all.
(in fact, those pants were not suitable for my figure type in the first place..and I actually had the buried knowledge!!) Sometimes I think of taking the picture to someone who can photoshop into more flattering attire. (Hmm...Wouldn't it be more fun to go back to Paris and have the picture retaken?)
Of even greater fortune, I accidentally discovered the diet doctors I discuss continually in my "rockmyfitness.blogspot.com". Between my resurrected fashion and styling interests and improved physical fitness, I really do feel I am rocking my age now, and certainly plan on continuous quality of life improvements, even though I am an aging woman.
My blogs have become my on-line journal about achievements, disappointments, and overall state of life. I had hoped to create a "support group" for those of us who want to live life to its fullest even thought we may be "old" in the eyes of many, disabled, or otherwise. I also wanted to document fairly fully all that I have learned about using fashion to improve a figure that isn't exactly ideal, be comfortable at all times, and share information that may be helpful to others.
I look at the changes I have experienced over the last decade and ponder what in my life has degraded and what is actually an improved state.
Ten years ago I was maintaining the role of a full time home school teacher and caregiver to a pre-teen grandchild with severe emotional difficulties accompanied by some physical and cognitive challenges. During the previous 10 years I had let myself "go" as the role was then expanded to full time caregiver to two children. I developed type II diabetes, primarily due to poor diet and resulting weight gain, lack of sleep and exercise, and severe stress (one grandchild almost died due to an uncommon blood disease). I was able to lose a lot of the weight and maintain a more healthy diet and exercise program during the following several years. However, my entire focus was on caring for the children, seeing to the younger's educational needs, and dealing with the doctors and tutors, and running them from place to place, a very time consuming effort as one of the children went to school in another town.
It was only five years ago that I took a good look in the mirror and discovered that the fashion conscious career woman who I still saw in the mirror had changed and looking back at me was an aged "frump" whose entire wardrobe consisted of coordinating cotton shirts, colored and denim jeans, and comfortable loafers and tennis shoes. Unfortunately, I had a serious injury that resulted in brain surgery with a lengthy recovery period so I couldn't bounce back quite as quickly as I liked. I also struggled with the sale of a home I had lived in for over twenty years all during this same time and, really had not much time for shopping. I did get rid of a lot of clothes (not really well thought out at that time).
Fortunately, I had lost a little more weight due to the aftermath of surgery, so I really had to buy a few new clothes, mostly pants and skirts. This is when I really dug back into the years of fashion study, etc. and decided that since I now lived alone and was responsible for and only to me, I would make the best of my remaining years. First, I had to take a serious look at rebuilding a wardrobe from the ground up. I only had old career clothes and frump garments. Unfortunately, many of the fashionable friends who I had years of social intercourse had moved away for retirement or passed away.
I took a part time job during this time and used most of the money for shopping and the travel I should have done in earlier years, and "fixed up" my own place in a rural community just south of the Bay Area where I live today. I also resurrected my life long fashion interest and fascination with the effects ones appearance makes in business and social intercourse. I was especially struck by the fact that during the time I had let my appearance decline, I also felt rather terrible about myself much of the time; when I got myself back together and started to care about my appearance, I also began to perk up in general. One harsh reminder of how much what I wore mattered is a treasured picture I have of me during this time taken in Paris. I am wearing a sweater much too large for me, somewhat bagging knee length capris, and open toed flats, all of which make me look twenty pounds heavier, have absolutely no style although classic black and white, and generally do nothing for me at all.
(in fact, those pants were not suitable for my figure type in the first place..and I actually had the buried knowledge!!) Sometimes I think of taking the picture to someone who can photoshop into more flattering attire. (Hmm...Wouldn't it be more fun to go back to Paris and have the picture retaken?)
Of even greater fortune, I accidentally discovered the diet doctors I discuss continually in my "rockmyfitness.blogspot.com". Between my resurrected fashion and styling interests and improved physical fitness, I really do feel I am rocking my age now, and certainly plan on continuous quality of life improvements, even though I am an aging woman.
My blogs have become my on-line journal about achievements, disappointments, and overall state of life. I had hoped to create a "support group" for those of us who want to live life to its fullest even thought we may be "old" in the eyes of many, disabled, or otherwise. I also wanted to document fairly fully all that I have learned about using fashion to improve a figure that isn't exactly ideal, be comfortable at all times, and share information that may be helpful to others.
I have been somewhat disappointed in the lack of interest or in reaching many of the people I would like to connect with; some people have told me that too many of the women in this age group are not computer literate, so I cannot reach them. I have also been told to join Instagram, Twitter, etc. which I have neither the time or interest to do. I have also been told that most "mature" women just do not care about their looks as long as they are "neat and clean". I have had the good fortune to connect with a few and I have thoroughly enjoyed the interchange and mentoring, but I selfishly would like to connect with others who have suggestions, especially on ways to "keep it up". We all get a bit discouraged sometimes, especially with so much propaganda about learning to "love our body", "it shouldn't matter", etc.; information that is down right harmful to those who suffer physical decline because of excess weight, poor diets, too many prescription medicines, and effects of her appearance on job interviews, business meetings, and general social situations. Appearance and the physical condition DO MATTER.
I too had many years of poor diet that lead to overweight and I am sure it helped with my diagnosed type 2 diabetes. With a change in lifestyle (diet) and an introduction of moderate exercise into my life I have lost quite a bit of weight myself. I had gotten into the "frumpy" and comfortable clothes at a young age. With the help of your blog, a caring daughter and a wonderful aunt I have found a desire to look fashionable! It has changed my whole outlook about how I see myself and to some extent even others. And BTW just because one wants comfort does not mean you can't be "fashionable" So Thank You!
ReplyDeleteDear Tonya; Thank you so much for your input; it actually came at a rather low spot for me. As I am sure you may know, it does take a bit of time to do the blog. It helps immensely that you are treating it as support for you for that is what I want it to be for me. Of course, I also wanted the opportunity to make new friends who do have the same interest is staying vibrant, healthy, and fashion conscious for as long as I live. Thank you very much.
DeleteYOU probably will never know how many people you are reaching. some people just don't respond, but I bet you are waking up the natural juices in a lot of ladies that want to look and feel better. YEP. I have met a lot of women that SAY they don't care, but deep down I think they really do. BRING IT ON...Ali
ReplyDeleteDear Ali; Thank you also for your support. I have loved the input you have shared with me on other posts that I have made to these blogs. I can tell from some of your comments that you certainly want to "rock your age" and will always do your best to live your fashion life to the fullest; it is also apparent that you also take steps to exercise and maintain a healthful diet. Reaching people like you and Tonya DO make the blogs worthwhile.
DeleteDear Ali; ..just one additional point...I really only record what I know works for me, or advice from health professionals that I believe to be true; I don't have any particular "secrets" for success, just what works for me, and I would love you to share things that you have found work for you. I am sure we all would benefit from other methods than those I use. That was one of the main reasons I began the blog; somewhat of an on-line support group for women who all experience the physical and social aspects of aging.