Major life changes are never easy but it is always important to recognize when something has reached its end. a life stage , a relationship, a job; Although endings are usually a little sad, acknowledging the dignity of a relationship also requires acceptance of the end when it comes without denying its past importance in one's life.
It is always important to search out people who contribute to personal growth and who "add to our life, rather than subtract from it. Although it is true that trials and tribulations may make us grow a little stronger, I have reached the time in my life where I do not care to deal with unnecessary "coping". I have found that I no longer have some of the advantages I treasured in my part time retail sales job; (suitable hours, suitable pay, suitable respect and autonomy, interpersonal relationships, etc.) Fortunately, one of the advantages of being a senior citizen who had a profession during the "good years" of retirement plans, etc., I do not have to work in any environment that I do not believe will contribute to my overall well being.
There’s a trick to the 'graceful exit.' ; Although there are some elements about my departure of which I am not too fond, I feel that everyone involved felt their needs were met, and that my leaving was the best solution. I believe this job no longer added to my life and would certainly become a "toxic environment" for me. I do recognize I have reached an ending, and regretfully, a closure on this part of my life.
I can't say I'm too fond of a new beginning at this time; I really only planned on working another season, however, I need to examine probabilities and possibilities, and make decisions. Fortunately, I did anticipate some changes back in December when I mentioned that our beloved manager passed away. Now I have to make some decisions and plan some new beginnings; Messy little things, beginnings and endings......Part of me also is looking forward to meeting new experiences, new people, and re-inventing parts of my life; that, too, is "Rocking Age".
There’s a trick to the 'graceful exit.' ; Although there are some elements about my departure of which I am not too fond, I feel that everyone involved felt their needs were met, and that my leaving was the best solution. I believe this job no longer added to my life and would certainly become a "toxic environment" for me. I do recognize I have reached an ending, and regretfully, a closure on this part of my life.
I can't say I'm too fond of a new beginning at this time; I really only planned on working another season, however, I need to examine probabilities and possibilities, and make decisions. Fortunately, I did anticipate some changes back in December when I mentioned that our beloved manager passed away. Now I have to make some decisions and plan some new beginnings; Messy little things, beginnings and endings......Part of me also is looking forward to meeting new experiences, new people, and re-inventing parts of my life; that, too, is "Rocking Age".
A time to be born, a time to die.
A time to plant, a time to reap.
A time to kill, a time to heal.
A time to laugh, a time to weep........."Turn, Turn, Turn"....The Byrds....