Today, younger people (those younger than 40) still have an edge on getting the available jobs, mostly because of the age of the hiring manager and his/her perception of older people in the work force. The perception is older people cannot perform as well; they are "over the hill".
(For women, it is even harder-gender discrimination is still the most consistent barrier to employment success-check the stats if you don't accept that thought). This perception that older people cannot perform as well is simply NOT TRUE and validated by some of the most comprehensive studies.
The Seattle Longitudinal Study, one of the most comprehensive studies; (they have tracked over six thousand senior citizens over a period of forty years) have consistent results that overall, this older group is more able to handle pressure, manage emotions better, has a more positive attitude overall, have better judgment skills, can make more successful business decisions,and can see the overall picture better than their younger colleagues. The study also shows the older people actually have more creativity than their younger counterparts and they can handle social conflicts better than their younger counterparts. (I know, we all have encountered the crotchety older person who complains about everything and refuses to budge,(a stereotype), but we have also experienced the younger "jerk". (not a stereotype).
All of these findings are contrary to the perception. As we age, memory functions such as a person's name decrease. It is true that older people have more trouble in speedy retrieval of data; it is also true that the results listed above take the senior longer to produce, however, the main reason (demonstrated by test) was the seniors took more time to evaluate, make logical conclusions, and consider possible consequences! Experience gained in a lifetime of personal challenges and the changing work forces actually INCREASED overall adaptability. Of course, jobs that are related to physical requirements may still require meeting a standard that one could meet when younger in age.
(more studies have already begun and more are coming because the people making grant decisions that affect opportunities for us older folk are getting closer to that +40. (Oxford University High Lantern, Stanford University,etc.)
The impression that we seniors are "over the hill" is a seriously negative stereotype that is simply not correct. Longer memory recall is a condition of aging for most people; so are wrinkles and some loss of physical health and strength. Much of that loss is under our control, much is not. The bright side is medical technologies are becoming more proficient, lifestyles are making physical difficulties less troublesome, and wonderful new inventions are on the horizen. In fact, life span expectancy has increased every year. (although there is concern that if we don't improve our diet, this may not continue-exercise is more about quality of that life).
We seniors are "made to feel dumb"; partly because of our personal loss of self confidence (inward loss of self-esteem) and the impatience of younger people with our memory recall difficulty (sense of shame because we cannot perform to a public standard (outward self esteem). We must cease accepting either judgement. Remember, seniors do in fact control most of the purchasing power (not saying we are doing most of the buying). We also control most of the political power, including the stock holdings of most companies (hi tech excluded!). We just have to quit accepting society's value of our worth and evaluate our own worth to society.
I also mentioned that much of our physical deterioration is under our control; we know how to eat and exercise to minimize the effects (If you don't have a plan now, please start one-even if it is just a tiny bit more than you do now). Many benefits both physical and mental occur in older age groups; these same studies have shown that happiness improves with age for the majority, migraine headaches lessen and sleep, contrary to popular belief, is actually sounder. In fact, sleep difficulties are almost always attributed to depression and physical pain in the older population. It is also recorded that people who "feel young", actually act and are perceived as nine to nineteen years younger than their actual age!!
Rocking Age is an attitude!!
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